Top Orthodontist in Bellandur | Nandini Nelivigi The whole world is shook by COVID-19 which is the infectious disease caused by the coronavirus. How does [...]
Top Orthodontist in Bellandur | Nandini Nelivigi The whole world is shook by COVID-19 which is the infectious disease caused by the coronavirus. How does [...]
In Today’s Podcast, Best Dentist in Bangalore | Dr. Nandini Nelivigi shares some important daily ways tips to protect your teeth. Let’s listen to this podcast carefully. [...]
10 Fun Facts About Teeth | Best Dental Specialist in Bangalore In Todays's Podcast, Dental Specialist in Bangalore | Dr. Nandini Nelivigi from [...]
The success rate of dental implant is up to 98% and hence dental implants are quickly becoming the tooth replacement option of choice for many patients. Not only dentist replace missing tooth roots and avoid further bone loss, but implants do not cause damage to the surrounding teeth either. So, now a very important question arises. Are all suitable candidates for dental implants?
Best Dental Specialist in Bangalore | Dr Nandini Nelivigi In today’s podcast, Top Dentist in Bangalore is going to talk about 9 most common dental [...]
Once we are done with root canal, the most important thoughts comes to our mind as how to care for your teeth as your gums and mouth heal. So lets us discuss some important tips that may help you to recover as quickly as possible and you can enjoy your good oral health.
Gummy Smile, Dental Treatment in Bellandur, Bangalore Dental Treatment in Bellandur, Bangalore A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. A good [...]
When there is some dental issue in a milk tooth and it needs to be treated, the first question that the parent asks a dentist is “aren’t these milk teeth? Aren’t they supposed to fall off? Why do we need to treat them?” Well God has given us two sets of teeth, in case you don’t take care of the first set you will have trouble with the next one too. The answer is simple; you need to know a few facts about milk teeth to know how important they are.
Tooth pain may be quite intolerable as the tooth is embedded in bone and there is no easy escape for the infection. However, there are not many situations requiring dental emergency care. Hence it is wise to be aware of the times and what to do in such situations.
Diabetes is a condition when your blood sugar level is high. The normal fasting blood sugar level is less than 100 mg/dL and less than 140 mg/dL 2 hours after eating food. Pancreas in our body produces a hormone called Insulin which helps the cells in the body to absorb the glucose or sugar in the blood for energy. Diabetes develops either when your body does not produce enough insulin or when your cells become resistant to the insulin produced by your body.