Laser dentistry2018-10-31T11:44:28-05:30


LASER stands for ‘Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation’.


LASER stands for ‘Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation’. Lasers basically are of two types:
  1. Soft tissue lasers
  2. Hard tissue lasers

The hard tissue lasers are used for cavity preparation, surgical cut of the bone etc.,

Whereas the soft tissue lasers have a wide usage:
  1. Gingival Troughing for Crown Impressions (troughing makes the margins of the tooth preparation more clearly visible)
  2. Gingivectomy & Gingivoplasty (when the length of the crown has to be increased the gingival covering it must be excised, this procedure is called gingivectomy)
  3. Gingival Incision & Excision
  4. Soft-Tissue Crown Lengthening (when the tooth length is less and does not look good giving a gingival smile the tooth can be lengthened)
  5. Hemostasis & Coagulation
  6. Excisional & Incisional Biopsies
  7. Exposure of Unerupted Teeth (the thick fibrous tissue covering the tooth may be hindering the eruption of the tooth, when excision of the tissue is indicated)
  8. Fibroma Removal
  9. Frenectomy & Frenotomy (tongue tie can be corrected with no bleeding and faster recovery)
  10. Implant Recovery
  11. Incision & Drainage of Abscess (it is easier to curettage abscess up to its complete depth)
  12. Leukoplakia
  13. Pulpotomy as an Adjunct to Root Canal Therapy
  14. Operculectomy (the tooth with the covered gum tissue can lead to infection and inflammation, in these cases the tissue is excised with lasers)
  15. Oral Papillectomies
  16. Reduction of Gingival Hypertrophy
  17. Vestibuloplasty
  18. Treatment of Canker Sores, Herpetic & Aphthous Ulcers of the Oral Mucosa
  19. Laser Removal of Diseased, Infected, Inflamed & Necrotized Soft-Tissue Within the Periodontal Pocket

The surgical area does not bleed as blood clot happens immediately with lasers. So they can be considered as blood-less surgery. They are very useful in patients with gum and periodontal issues. The treatment can be done in a less invasive, less traumatic way and the healing period is much lesser.