Dentistry for children2018-12-07T05:56:04-05:30


Proper oral care and good dietary conditions will help develop a good oral health for your child. It is recommended that you get your child to the dentist every 6 months so that if there is a problem it is identified in the early stages and the same can be treated without mush of a hassle.


Proper oral care and good dietary conditions will help develop a good oral health for your child. It is recommended that you get your child to the dentist every 6 months so that if there is a problem it is identified in the early stages and the same can be treated without mush of a hassle.

Some of the problems noted in children include
  1. Teething problems
  2. Nursing bottle caries
  3. Digit sucking habits
  4. Jaw problems (requiring early orthodontic intervention)
  5. Early loss of milk tooth
  6. Dental decay

Pediatric dental care not only includes treating the problems but also involves preventive measures to help reduce the severity of the developing problem.

The following procedures may be required in individuals for different set of problems like/div>
  1. Varnish application
  2. Pit and fissure sealants
  3. Dental fillings
  4. Serial extraction to prevent crowding from developing
  5. Habit breaking appliances
  6. Space maintenance for lost milk tooth
  7. Pulpotomy or pulpectomy
  • These procedures when done on time could effectively reduce the magnitude of the developing problem at a later date.
  • Dental fluoride varnishes contain a high concentration of fluoride which when applied on the teeth can prevent dental decay, reduce tooth sensitivity and also remineralize the tooth structure.
  • The newly erupted teeth have very fine pits and fissures which may act as an area of food lodgment and dental decay may begin in these areas. Hence these sharp pits and fissures and made shallow and a sealant is put into them to prevent development of dental decay.
  • If the child has habit like digit sucking and it continues beyond 6 yrs of age you can see the permanent dentition getting affected by the habit. We need to intervene at this point with counseling and appliances to break the habit.
  • If a milk tooth is lost for some reason we need to maintain that space for the permanent tooth that replaces it. In case the space is not maintained, other teeth drift into that space and the erupting permanent tooth will get impacted or erupt outside the arch. Hence maintaining the space is an absolute must.
  • When the dental decay is deep getting close to the pulp then a procedure called pulpotomy or pulpectomy may be needed. It is a procedure similar (with some difference in the filling material) to root canal treatment in adult teeth.