Best Dental Hospital in Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic
Dental issues ne’er any fun, however the good news is that the majority of them are often easily prevented. Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, eating properly and regular dental check-ups are essential steps in preventing dental issues. Educating yourself regarding common dental issues and their causes may also go an extended approach in prevention.
Here is a list of most common dental problems.
1.Dental Caries
2.Bleeding Gums
3.Bad Breath
5.Deposits On Teeth
6.Mouth Ulcers
7.Food Lodgement
8.Unattractive Smile
9.Dental Emergencies
1.Dental Caries:
When tooth decay begins it is painless, all that you will notice is a discoloration of the tooth in black or brown.
Please see a dentist immediately to get it fixed. The whole issue can be sorted out with just a regular filling. When left untreated the cavity deepens and reaches dentin when one may experience sensitivity or mild pain. If left untreated for longer, the cavity reaches pulp and you may require root canal treatment.
So please do not wait until you experience pain please see a dentist once every six months so that the dental problems can be identified at the earliest and treated.
2.Bleeding Gums:
Gums which get inflamed and swollen bleed. There can be various causes for bleeding gums.
Gingivitis or inflammation of the gums can be mainly due to local causes like calculus deposits and traumatic bleeding (using hard bristle brush or using a lot of force to brush your teeth), systemic causes (bleeding or clotting disorders, low platelet count, some kinds of leukemia etc.,) or drug induced. If the problem of bleeding persists consult your dentist or your physician.
3.Bad Breath:
Halitosis is the third most common cause for seeking dental treatment after tooth decay and gum diseases.
The most common cause for bad breath is poor oral hygiene. With no maintenance of good oral hygiene like brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing your teeth at bed time, meeting your dentist once in 6 months bad breath can be an unavoidable part of your life.
In case you have cavities with food lodgment or calculus formation or there are any systemic diseases like uncontrolled diabetes which could be the reason for halitosis you need to get yourself treated. Visit your dentist at the earliest.
The outer most covering of the tooth is called enamel. It is one of the toughest structures of the body (harder than Bone).
1.Enamel wears out exposing the dentin
2.Gum recession exposes the cementum of the root
Sensitivity begins.
If there is a marked loss of enamel the cavity can be filled by your dentist. If the sensitivity is more generalized you may be asked to use desensitizing tooth paste, a soft bristle brush or fluoride mouth wash by your dentist.
At times it is difficult to differentiate between sensitivity and pain. If the issue can be localized to a particular tooth you are requested to consult your dentist to know the cause of this and the treatment for the same.
Teeth can get stained with the use of Tobacco or Caffiene and sometimes the chromogenic bacteria in the mouth can also stain the teeth.
However the color of the teeth varies from person to person like the skin color.
A layer of dental plaque or biofilm is formed on the teeth which tends to retain sticky food on to the tooth surface. When left uncleaned the deposit of calcium happens on the biofilm converting it into tartar or calculus.
Once calculus gets formed it is a hard mass which cannot be removed with regular cleaning. The tartar is a porous and rough surface which tends to retain more food and bacteria and also irritates the gums causing inflammation of the gums. The gums become red swollen and bleed on brushing. If left untreated it progresses into periodontitis and bone loss.
A regular round of oral prophylaxis from a dentist is recommended biannually.
6.Mouth Ulcers:
The commonest ulcers or sores in the mouth are aphthous ulcers. They are also informally called canker sores. They are benign, non contagious and are not transmitted.
The cause for the ulcer is not very clear. It is usually multifactorial. May be because of lower immunity levels or stress related. They are usually painful, burning and may make oral activities like eating talking and swallowing quite troublesome.
They are seen on the lip, cheek, floor of the tongue and non keratinized gingiva. They typically stay for about 10-14 days and gradually subside. They do not require any medication for treatment. Some dietary modification like not eating spicy and hot food and may be application of a topical anesthetic gel prior to eating may help.
7.Food Lodgement
Food lodgement between teeth can happen because of the following reasons. Either there is a cavity or malalignment of teeth.
Teeth need to be aligned properly and tightly abutting against each other to prevent food from getting between them. When teeth are rotated and the contact between them is not good food lodgment is a common problem. Even when an individual develops cavities, especially between teeth food lodgment is seen to occur. If this happens get a dentists consultation to know the cause and get it treated.
8.Unattractive Smile
Smile is one of the most attractive features of the face. A confident smile can boost your morale and help you do well with people.
Orthodontic treatment not only corrects your teeth esthetically but also corrects them to improve the functionality of the teeth.
If you have crooked teeth and are not very confident smiling then you must visit an orthodontist to get them rectified. If braces or metal display is what is holding you back from getting your teeth aligned now there is no looking back there are clear aligners, INVISALIGN which are virtually invisible by which orthodontic treatment can be achieved.
Age is no bar to getting an orthodontic treatment. All you need is a good periodontal ligament and good bone support. So do not delay anymore meet your orthodontist and get going towards a happier and healthier smile.
9.Dental Emergencies
Some of the main dental emergencies include:
1.Severe intense pain of a tooth
2.Dislocation of the jaw
3.Injury to the face and jaw dislodging the tooth
Whatever may the situation be kindly do not panic. In case you develop severe tooth ache may be because of carious involvement of pulp take an analgesic. This should give you some rest period of a few hours during which you can consult your dentist. Best Dental Hospital in Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic is the Best Dental Hospital in Bangalore which has the senior and highly experienced dentists.
In case of Dislocation of the jaw you need to meet the dentist at the earliest. The dislocation needs to be reduced followed by medication for the same. If you have had a similar event earlier kindly be careful in opening your mouth wide. In case of yawning hold the mandible with your palm and yawn.
In case you have a fall and a tooth comes out keep it in a bowl of milk rinse your mouth and reach the dentist at the earliest. The quicker the tooth is reimplanted the better the prognosis.Best Dental Hospital in Bangalore | Nelivigi Dental Clinic